365 New Days - 365 New Chances
I used to think living your dream was just a fantasy. The journey for me started at a young age. My childhood was filled with divorce, food stamps, step-parents and blended families. I never felt like I was at home.
Sports were the one thing that kept me grounded, but as fate would have it, I suffered a broken back from a car accident at the age of 15. The things I loved, horseback riding, downhill skiing, basketball and track, were suddenly gone. To add to things, my broken back never healed, even after months in a body cast.
It was during this time that I learned one of the most important lessons of my life. I learned that dreams are yours for the taking, but it's up to you to make them come true.
I left home at age 17 and took up a job earning $3.50 an hour, working in the mornings and completing my high school classwork in the afternoons. I worked a second job on the weekends and took college courses at the local community college in the evenings.

Rising Above in Spite of "What is"
At age 21, my back was still broken, and due to increasing pain, I finally had no choice but to undergo spinal surgery, which failed and left me with a failed fusion and broken screws in my back which I still have till this day.
In times of difficulty, I learned to focus on my dreams. Despite the barriers, from age 16-25, I climbed the corporate ladder advancing from grocery clerk bagger to Corporate Accounting Manager and Executive Assistant for a large retail chain. At age 25, I took the leap and pursued my dream of becoming an entrepreneur. One year later, I moved across the country to live in the Rocky Mountains. I connected with nature and my love for animals. I provided home for the shyest and most terrified wolves and wolf-dogs for 17 years.
After all the trauma in my life, I finally started to feel the freedom in my spirit and joy in my heart I had been seeking.
Many years later at age 37, my greatest miracle took place. My son was born. I was told after my accident at age 15 that bearing a child would paralyze me, but here I was, with my greatest miracle right in front of me.

Life-Changing Outcomes
Through the course of my life, I have navigated so many challenges. Those challenges brought me to where I am now.
Helping families heal, overcome stress, and build beautiful connection and homes filled with love and abundance.
My expertise lies in human connection, communication, parenting, and bringing out the best in everyone who comes into my world.
My Breaking Barriers program is a culimination of my lifetime of studying human behavior and working with thousands of individuals through brain training and neurofeedback. My philosophy is simple.
You will find your best life is created on the other side of your adversities, and no matter what your path has been, it is within you. And I can't wait to take this incredible journey with you.
Certifications and Specialties:
Raquel Younglove is an Advanced Certified Trainer, Representative and Facilitator for NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback. Raquel also holds Certifications through Robbins-Madanes (Tony Robbins) Strategic Intervention as an Advanced Relationship and Passion Patterns Coach; Integrative Wellness and Life Coaching Certifications (IWA); DARe Trauma Solutions Training; Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma (NICABM); and Youth Mental Health 1st Aid. Raquel studied business at Eastern Michigan University.
Practitioner and Partner with:
International Coaching Federation (ICF), Open Path Healing Arts Collective, Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR), and Mt. Carmel Veteran’s Service
365 New Days - 365 New Chances

Years of Transformational Coaching
Certified Neurofeedback Trainer & Life Mastery Coach

Mental Strength, Emotional Stability, Physical Health, Connection with Loved Ones, Living Our Passions
Quality of life comes from living in wholeness, not pouring into one or two areas, and neglecting others. Without care and contribution to all areas, there cannot be wholeness, there cannot be balance. So many solutions in our world today are either exhausting, unsustainable, or so complex and time consuming, so we then begin to neglect other areas of life. It doesn’t have to be that way. Whether it is your meal plan, your workouts, your relationships, finances, time for rest and relax, family and friends, or keeping your brain strong and healthy, Breaking Barriers has tried and true processes that allow you to fully invest in all areas of life on a consistent basis.
We never know if we have tomorrow or even the rest of the day. There is tremendous freedom living by the philosophy of “No Regrets!” In relationship, finances, job performance, making home a sanctuary, or taking care of your health today in ways that your future self will thank you for later, wouldn't you love to end each day having fully shown up?

Success Stories